Proceedings of the 6th ICAZ TWG meeting- 9th TAPHOS

Two leading congresses – TAPHOS  and the Taphonomy Working Group (TWG) of the ICAZ – in the same 2022 meeting  to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Efremov’s Taphonomy proposal as a scientific discipline.

The proceedings were published in special numbers in Quaternary Science Advances (Volume 12 y 13) and Historical Biology


Quaternary Science Advances

Special Issue on Taphonomic insights on Quaternary archaeological contexts. Proceedings of the 6th ICAZ Taphonomy Working Group meeting

Lead by: Ana B. Marín-Arroyo and Marta Moreno García




Check all the papers:


Big questions for small animals. Taphonomic analysis of small vertebrates in Matja Kuru 2 (Timor-Leste) during the late pleistocene

Sofia C. Samper-Carro*, Caitlin Raymond, Vera Weisbecker, Sue O’Connor.
3 Coastal and inland subsistence strategies during the Upper Paleolithic in the Cantabrian Region (northern Iberian Peninsula). Ángel Blanco-Lapaz*, Fernando González-Echegaray de Yarto, Manuel R. González-Morales, Ana B. Marín-Arroyo.

Taphonomic data from the transitional Aurignacian of El Castillo cave (Spain) reveals the role of carnivores at the Aurignacian Delta level

Alicia Sanz-Royo*, Gabriele Terlato, Ana B. Marín-Arroyo.

What can microshells tell us? A case-study from the Palaeolithic site of Riparo Bombrini (Balzi Rossi, NW Italy)

Silvia Gazzo*, Fabio Negrino, Julien Riel-Salvatore.
6 Identifying non-anthropic accumulation in zooarchaeological assemblages using Naive Bayesian Classifier: A trace-oriented, regional actualistic taphonomic exercise in the hyperarid coasts of the Atacama Desert. Sebastián Yrarrazaval*, Isabel Cartajena, Luis Alberto Borrerro.
7 Puncture game: let’s play with the canines of predators. Jean-Philip Brugal*, Jean Baptiste Fourvel.
8 Could facing techniques be compatible with optimal bone preservation surface? Noé Valtierra*, Irene Cazalla, Andrea Díaz-Cortés.
9 Bone weathering in an Atlantic environment: preliminary results of the Global Weathering Project in Spain Ana B. Marín-Arroyo*, Borja González-Rabanal, José Luís Arteche, Pilar Fatas, Manuel R. González Morales.
10 An integral approach to the study of late Quaternary bromalites in South America.  Mariana Mondini

Early Bronze Age violence in Ojo Guareña (Merindad de Sotoscueva, Burgos, Spain). Perimortem modifications in two male individuals

Borja González-Rabanal*, Ana B. Marín-Arroyo, Marco Vidal Cordasco, Miguel Ángel Martín Merino, Ana Isabel Ortega Martínez.

The first archaeological and taphonomic evidence for rabbit Fur production in medieval Barcelona (Spain)

Lluís Lloveras*, Andreu Falcó, Vanesa Triay, Philip Banks, Jordi Nadal, Carme Miró, Santiago Riera.
13 Subsistence Strategies during the Gravettian in the Cantabrian Region: the rock shelter of La Viña (Asturias) Elene Arenas-Sorriqueta, Ana B. Marín-Arroyo, Gabriele Terlato, Leire Torres-Iglesias y Lucía Agudo Pérez

Taphonomic study of the cave bears (Ursus cf. deningeri and U. spelaeus) from the Sima I of the El Polvorín cave (Northern Iberian Peninsula)

Manuel Rodríguez-Almagro*, Mónica Villalba de Alvarado, Juan Luis Arsuaga, Asier Gómez-Olivencia, Nohemi Sala.
16 Taphonomy of the fauna assemblage from the Middle Palaeolithic site of Vajo Salsone in the Monti Lessini, eastern Italian Alps. Thun Hohenstein Ursula, Gianluca Arnetta, Lavinia Caffarelli, Florent Rivals, Davide Delpiano, Marco Peresani


Historical Biology 


Lead by: Yolanda Fernández Jalvo and Paloma Sevilla



Check all the papers:



How to quantify taphonomic alteration? A novel index for fossil fish collections

Carla San Román, Óscar Cambra-Moo & Hugo Martín-Abad
2 What can be gained from studying coprolite taphonomy: the case of Villanueva-1 (Palencia, Spain) Irene Cambronero, Paloma Sevilla & Nuria García

Taphonomic alteration processes in Bouleiceras (Jurassic Ammonitina) of the Iberian Range. Paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographical implications

Gemma Martínez, Soledad Ureta & Alejandra García-Frank

Fossil micromammals and the palaeoenvironments of the Paranthropus robustus site of Cooper’s Cave

Pierre Linchamps, Emmanuelle Stoetzel, Raphaël Cornette, Christiane Denys, Raphaël Hanon, Nompumelelo Maringa, Thalassa Matthews & Christine Steininger
5 Differentiating taphonomic features from trampling and dietary microwear, an experimental approach Cristian Micó, Ruth Blasco, Alicia Muñoz Del Pozo, Blanca Jiménez-García, Jordi Rosell & Florent Rivals
6 Preservation and conservation concepts from the transdisciplinary perspective of Taphonomy O. Cambra-Moo, H. Martín-Abad, J. Rascón Pérez, C. Galán Saulnier & A. González Martín
7 Integrating taphonomy and facies analysis to assess the palaeoecology of Oligocene Kuphus-beds (Prebetic, Southeastern Spain) Falces-Delgado Santiago,  Giannetti Alice
8 Small mammal taphonomy and palaeoecological Holocene interpretations in the Andean piedmont (southern Mendoza province, Argentina) Sara García-Morato, Dores Marin-Monfort, Yolanda Fernández-Jalvo, Gustavo A. Neme & Fernando J. Fernández
9 Let’s play with fire! Preliminary study of thermo-alterations on boiled, buried and burnt bones Penélope I. Martínez de los Reyes, Aida Gutiérrez, Alba Macho-Callejo, Sara García-Morato, Marta Moreno-García, Yolanda Fernández-Jalvo

What cadaveric remains tell us about lime? Part I

Aida Gutiérrez, Dominika Nociarová, Assumpció Malgosa, Yolanda Fernández-Jalvo, Núria Armentano
11 Put down roots and find the plant!: preliminary results of root etching and its implications Alba Macho-Callejo , Sara García-Morato, Aida Gutiérrez, Dores Marin-Monfort, Yolanda Fernández-Jalvo
12 Fish vertebrae fragmentation: experimental approach to identify breakage patterning due to compression Romina Frontinia, Yolanda Fernández-Jalvo, Arturo Morales-Muñiz, María Dolores Pesquero-Fernández and Eufrasia Roselló-Izquierdo

Importance and role of NeoTaphonomic collections: the example of microvertebrate and experimental collection management

Denys Christiane, Stoetzel Emmanuelle, Linchamps Pierre, Fernandez-Jalvo Yolanda, Peter Andrews
14 Joint disassociation pattern from a taphonomical and anthropological point of view Dominika Nociarová, Aida Gutiérrez, Núria Armentano, Pere Ibáñez Gimeno, Ignasi Galtés, Assumpció Malgos



An ethnoarchaeological comparison of observed butchery actions to bone surface modifications of the Dobe !Kung San

Suzanne Kunitz, Briana Pobiner, John Yellen, J. Tyler Faith & Alison S. Brooks

Neanderthal brown crab recipes: A combined approach using experimental, archaeological and ethnographic evidence

Mariana Nabais, Rodrigo Portero & João Zilhão
17 Skeletal taphonomy of the water frogs (Amphibia: Anura) from the Pit 7/8 of the Pliocene Camp dels Ninots site (Caldes de Malavella, NE Spain) Hugues Blain et al.
18 Compositional and taphonomic gradients show fluctuating depositional conditions on Middle Jurassic brachiopod-rich accumulations from Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria–Germany) Fernando García Joral, José F. Baeza-Carratalá and Alice Giannetti
19 Trompe l’oeil fossils from Silurian quartzites of Sierra Morena (South Spain): a taphonomic approach on the study of a coral-like structure Sergio Rodríguez et al.